Tajam Setajam Pensil

Bikin Blog sekenanya, buat iseng2 n seneng2...


Gue kagak ngarti, ada yang kebakaran jenggot ama gue.
Kayak kerenan sndiri aje.
Cowok metrosexual itu apa emang sok kerenz ye?
Kayaknya kok cuma dia yang jantan.
Kayaknya juga sich dia itu banci yang gak bisa onani


Ini tulisan yang gue buat taon 2006, tepatnya September 06, saat yang laen belon punya blog.

first time in blog,,, (not first, maybe,,,)

hay hay dunia maya! gw pendatang baru nih di blogger. dulu sih, udah pernah coba gw buat, tapi kagak pernah bener. cuapek deh, jadi gw ngeberhentiin usaha gw buat bikin blog. dari pada gw nyewa alat berat buat ngeruntuhin nih warnet, baiknya gw nahan dosa. gw aktif di blognya friendster, but mungkin gw bakalan banyak aktif disini deh. secara gitu nih software gokil pisan. ngapa yah namanya pensil?! abi juga nte' ngartos, mungkin karena di gw habis ini mau beli pinsil mekanik kali ya (iya nih, gw dapet tugas dari dosen, disuruh ngebuat pondasi bangunan yang bangunannya tuh udah dikasi ma dosen. anak arsitek,,,) gw sekarang jadi mahasiswa S1 Arsitektur, Universtias Pendidikan Indonesia bandung. oki doki,, bye

Kiss For The Dead

It's the calm before the storm
Wishing you could see the light
Growing fear and sadness there
Can you tell its your final sight
Tubes and wires keep you here
Not alive and yet not dead
No feelings

You're wide awake in your head
While the prayers have been said
All the love thats been bled
Its just a kiss for the dead

In your world of constant dreams
A lifeless body with its frozen stare
People cry and pray for you to waken
All this pain you cannot bear
Wishing someone would pull the plug
All you do is shed a tear
No feelings

This world of sleeping, continue dreaming

To see the light now, in endless night now
Could cleanse this chaos from my mind

Lifeless body, frozen stare
In a world of constant dreams
Lifeless body, frozen stare
It's a different kind of sleep
No feelings
No feelings

Rutinitasku, Geliatku, Geliat Jakarta

Menyusuri malam Jakarta adalah rutinitas Gue. Perjalanan pulang diselingi makan malam dijalan juga Gue akrabi.
Beginilah nasib jomblo.

Jelang tengah malam baru sampai rumah Gue.

Jaksel - awal Nov' 09

Cannot Tell A Lie

Cannot Tell A Lie (Metal Church)

On the pedastal you stand of promises to keep
I can make the changes and keep you off the streets
I will never let you down, together we can win
All I need is your support, the funds keep flowing in

I am the one who will make all the difference
I am the one who cannot tell a lie

My opposition tells you that I am the bad guy
But I have done some research in his private life
I feel that it's my duty to let the people know
I know it's no one's business, I destroy to get a vote

I am the one who will make all the difference
I am the one who cannot tell a lie

Raise those banners, raise those flags
Raise your wages, raise your hands
No more war, all at peace
I have the solution to all the nation's needs
Hail to government, hail to liberty
Hail to God above, hail to me
No more war, all at peace
I am the solution to what this nation needs

My missile proposition is effective as can be
No trades for arms for hostages, no Star Wars shit for me
I'm an average person, blue collar all the way
Everyone will have a job, just cast your vote my way

Makan Gaya Gue

Ternyata di Tanah Abang II ada resto kecil dengan konsep yang unik dan kuat bernama Huize Trivelli. Dari namanya udah kelihatan banget kalo keBelanda-Belandaan, interior di dalam pun terasa kolonial banget dan yang paling keren adalah koleksi barang antiknya banyak banget.

Coba lihat menunya, Bitterballen, Poffertjtes, Chicken Steak Njonja Ooet, Wedang Djahee Setjang, Kaasstengels, Kattetong

Gue pesen Nasi Bebek Goreng Empon-empon yang ternyata enak banget!

Klapertartnya juga enak!

Pokoknya, dari harga yang ditawarkan dengan rasa dan suasana resto yang didapat sebanding deh. Jadi pengen balik lagi kesitu hehehe. Hari Minggu tutup, weekdays cuma buka sampai jam 7 malam, hari Sabtu tutup jam 9 malam.

Sayangnya gue gak bawa kamera, jadinya pake kamera HP deh, yang hasilnya membuat suasana restonya creepy (padahal aslinya tidak hihihi).Pas masuk ke restonya kok berasa nggak di Jakarta ya, jadi merasa seperti di Bandung gitu deh, mungkin karena suasananya tenang dan ada efek taman kecil nan rindang diluarnya.

Punk Rock Melodic Genre

Halooo...., ada yg dengerin genre musik kayak gini ga ?
share yuuk...., gw demen model kayak gini!

1. pennywise
2. no use for a name
3. ataris
4. lagwagon
5. nofx
6. weezer
7. taking back sunday
8. new found glory
9. less than jake
10. poison the well
12. dashboard confessional
13. rufio
14. the used!